Friday, April 4, 2008

Ogres are like onions...

This quote from one of the greatest movies of all time (Shrek) has always stood out to me. I assume that it has because I could relate to it. Nobody is as shallow as they seem, or at least I want to believe that but I do know that some people are, "what you see if what you get". I've always felt that there was layer after layer to my being that even to myself has yet to all be uncovered. Everyone wants to be "deep" and I don't necessarily consider myself that but more like an onion. LOL.

That being said, I wanted to share some pictures of Dr. Martin Luther King. I was going to just type MLK but I think his name deserved to be spelled out. I guess what I wanted to show you a different side of Dr. MLK then you've seen before. Very few people are aware that he was arrested 29 times during his service, hence the shot at the top of this blog. As far as the other pictures..., take time to click them so that they're enlarged and you can get a better sense of the emotions littered throughout the shots. Dr. MLK's sole remaining sibling is currently writing a book displaying many other layers of her brother that we never got to see.

All of these pictures aren't of him but they do show a lot and they all really spoke to me. Possibly throughout the day I'll comment on some other thoughts that I've had within the same vein of thought.

I would love to change the world, but they won't give me the source code.


Anonymous said...

Great Post! Let's not forget that the Civil Rights Movement was not long ago. We have come a long way, but we still have a great distance to go. We should also remeber MLK's final dream of not just race equality, but his stance on helping POOR people. You should definitely look up where he was and what he doing when he was assassinated. Learn about his Poor People's Campaign and you have the speculative answer to why he was assasinated.

Anonymous said...

Correct my spelling too... assasinated = assassinated