Monday, April 7, 2008

Ok, now tell me if I'm wrong...

Ok, so... LOL. We all know that us guys tend to allow our minds to stumble into the gutter without much effort. Last week I was walking through the mall with my sister Mia and spending money that I shouldn't have been. We walked back into H&M for what must have been the third time(they had a decent sale going on), and before I got to the entrance I noticed the above picture. I actually had to backtrack and take a picture of it.

Now...this deserves it's own paragraph... Those two little boys don't look innocent. In fact! In fact, they appear to be undressing this woman. I guess she's supposed to be their mom but they're clawing at her chest and the youngest appears to be peering down her blouse. The child on the right is entirely too excited and her blowing hair is really wearing me out. Although I must admit I hope they make that sweater hoody in an adult size. H&M doesn't sell their best stuff in Baltimore...sadly.

This is what happens when you breast feed your children past the age 5. lol

I would love to change the world, but they won't give me the source code.


Anonymous said...

I concur. But cmon, you can take this even further. Let's hear something about subliminal messaging, or maybe even a government conspiracy!

Anonymous said...

I don't understand what that picture has to do with "defining you", but she has on a cute blouse. I know for a fact it's not in H&M! They never give my store the cute tops!