Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Collegiate students want to protect themselves...

I understand why students would want to do this but IMO more people would die foolery than ever before. There will be people playing with the guns, forgetting to put the saftey on, misfires, "accidents" and other random events.

When you have 20 college students pulling out guns to fire at an intruder...at one point does everyone recognize the target and fire on the correct person. What if your glasses get knocked off during your dash to grab your piece (lol) and you mistake me for the intruder... There's too much more than could go wrong in these situations.

People I trust with weapons -

Airline pilots...possibly...
John Doe with a trigger finger and short attention span who just finished a Halo3 marathon...not soo much...

I would love to change the world, but they won't give me the source code.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You could trust me with a gun