Wednesday, April 23, 2008

NFL contracts

Just a quick entry today.

I've been thinking about how phony the media is lately and how fickle and phony sports fans are.

You have a player like Shaun Alexander who just cut from the Seahawks cus he wasn't performing. They ended his contract that quick... The media doesn't care and the fans are happy.

Then you have a player like Chad Johnson who says the team isn't paying him what he's worth and the media and fans are outraged...

Why is it that a team has the "right" to tell a player that we're not going to honor the contract and release them? But a player is looked down upon for trying to get the money they're worth while they're worth it?

Doesn't seem fair? To be quite honest, I don't blame them for wanting to get paid while they "deserve" the money.

PS Teachers are underpaid.

I would love to change the world, but they won't give me the source code.

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