Friday, April 25, 2008

America the beautiful?

America, where an 18 year old gets oral sex from another willing teenager and gets 10 years in jail.

America, where you get shot 40+ times for reaching for your wallet.

America, where trees are designated for whites only.

America, where you can get shot at 50 times by 5 "upholders of the law", 30 of which come from 1 individual, die and not get any justice.

America, where our president waits days to visit New Orleans after Katrina. Where many are still without homes and yet we don't have a f*cking thing for them.

America, where we can pump billions of dollars into a war that we the public no longer support or ever supported depending who you are. Yet...we can't feed victims of a national disaster.

America, where billions upon billions of dollars are spent for wars yet our skool systems suck, our veterans are homeless, our teachers abused...

America, where our politicians are paid off by corporate entities so that they can screw us over. gas Look into who in the Bush adminstration has monies invested in oil... Look at the technologies that are stunted because "they" won't make any cheese off of it. And then look how that is effects your pockets. Freedom is ringing right?

I mean really... There's no place I'd rather be, I'm not on some back to Africa nonsense but... We've given up our power as citizens. Didn't they teach us in skool that we hold the power to this country? Doesn't seem that way anymore does it? Where are the protests, the boycotts the sit ins? United we stand, right? Divided we fall... We've fallen as citizens in my humble opinion. I often sit back and wonder if I'm going to be apart of that change... The thing is, they don't want you to think that its worth it to even try.

America....where our "leader" president bush says we need to be at war to PROTECT US. A father and soon to be husband gets riddled with bullets by the Police... He had no gun... Maybe those billions of dollars spent each month should be spent on teaching the NYPD on how to conduct themselves. This is where it all started anyway.

I would love to change the world, but they won't give me the source code.

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