Tuesday, April 1, 2008

April Fools!

Ok, no jokes here or pranks but I do have a few topics to touch on. I can be so scatter brained that I must jot them down before I forget. If you see a topic heading and no content, check back later because I'll get to it.

Skool System

I was listening to the Russ Parr morning show as I typically do every morning during my commute. A listener called in and stated that children who show a deficiency in math/algebra/etc. at the 9th grade level should not be considered for college. These children should be ushered towards different trades such as car repair and other manual labor style jobs.

This really struck home with me because I am/was one of this children and this is NOT the solution. If any of you are like me, you know that you have the capacity to do math (just using this word since it's general), there was just something that happened that turned you off to it.

When I was in skool, I didn't grasp the basics. It was at a time where my procrastination didn't set in, it wasn't necessarily the teachers fault and my parents were adamant about working with me and aiding me with my homework. I believe that it was a conglomerate of things that just snowballed... Large class sizes, lack of 1-1 with teachers, teachers feeling pressure to breeze through content, my own difficulty in grasping material and even different methods than what my parents grew up with that blockaded some of their ability to help me at home...

To say that keds such as myself should be banished to trade skools and manual labor is crazy, we would not be doing ourselves a service, it'd be a discredit. Wasn't Einstein terrible in skool??!! I'm not a good test taker but I went on to graduate from college and become a very successful 23 year old dude. If that caller had it his way, I'd be working in a GM car plant. Please don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with those types of jobs but that job isn't for me. That job isn't for others who struggle at times, they destiny is their own.

As far as my struggles with math... I've been attending a introductory collegiate math class since the start of the year to get over my mental block of that I just can't do it. I've succeeded with it and will continue to succeed. What I've learned and am still learning in this class will allow me to get another college degree and prove the doubters wrong.

Upcoming topics of discussion:
- The Devil is in my neighbors mouth
- The inventor of the super soaker was black!!!

I would love to change the world, but they won't give me the source code.

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