Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Jury Duty

I don't think there is another event in my life where I get to see such a conglomerate of folk. For me, JD (jury duty) is a day off. I like to read, I like music and I like to sleep all of which I can do during JD. It doesn't seem to irk me like it does most people. There was a petite black lady in front of me yesterday who just embodied every stereotype one could imagine. LOL. Let me stop before I show you too much of how I really feel, its needless to say that she was a nuisance. There was another black lady who jumped out of the long metal detector line. As she tried to slink around the corner the guard caught her, her excuse was that she needed to fart... Wow... This same lady felt compelled to repeat the funny lines in the movie that was played for us in the staging area. Thank God for noise canceling ear phones.

I would love to change the world, but they won't give me the source code.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LMAO @ her excuse to pass gas. Yeah, whatever lady. I just received my JD slip in the mail. Hopefully they except my excuse that I have a final on that day. At least I think I do, lol.