Monday, March 31, 2008

Lock your bedroom doors

Today I was browsing my favorite forum and came across a funny life story. Well...I dunno if it's funny but the gist of it was that the OP (original poster/author) had drunk sex with party girl on the hosts bed... If that wasn't bad enough he left the used condom on the floor... The OP was approached by the plaintiff, the plaintiff gets knocked out by the OP's posse and they roll out.

"Moral of the story: don't use protection, only causes trouble."

I would love to change the world, but they won't give me the source code.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Jury Duty

I don't think there is another event in my life where I get to see such a conglomerate of folk. For me, JD (jury duty) is a day off. I like to read, I like music and I like to sleep all of which I can do during JD. It doesn't seem to irk me like it does most people. There was a petite black lady in front of me yesterday who just embodied every stereotype one could imagine. LOL. Let me stop before I show you too much of how I really feel, its needless to say that she was a nuisance. There was another black lady who jumped out of the long metal detector line. As she tried to slink around the corner the guard caught her, her excuse was that she needed to fart... Wow... This same lady felt compelled to repeat the funny lines in the movie that was played for us in the staging area. Thank God for noise canceling ear phones.

I would love to change the world, but they won't give me the source code.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Your keds....leave their punk behinds at home!

Just because you cannot find a babysitter does not make it right to bring your stoopid child to the movie. I just paid close to $9 to enjoy a movie and you're going to bring some snot nosed brat to the theater and have the audacity to let them make a bunch of noise?!?! That's not only retarded but it's inconsiderate and if someone cusses you out, I'd have zero sympathy for you. What did Major Pain tell us? His sympathy is in between syphilis and sh*t. Don't get me wrong, when I go to see a Pixar movie I expect kids... But not when I'm going to see a GrindHouse Quentin Terentino flick, kids should not be brought to horror films. I mean really...

I would love to change the world, but they won't give me the source code.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Now, being that I'm a dood...I'd never have a site titled "girlgetpaid*" but thats why an old friend of mine did it. Now, I know that I only have a few folks reading this blog but for those that do, spread the word about hers.

She's basically sharing ideas on how to make some extra money, how to keep that money you just made and the change zipped up in your Kangaroos. You gotta be dumb old to know about Kangaroo sneakers.

Again, please show my girl Ducke some luv. I just started reading through her blog and it really is informative.

I would love to change the world, but they won't give me the source code.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

What the french toast?!?!

12:18pm - Today is great. The coworker is away, nobody is breaking anything and I'm caught up on my work. Awesome! So here are some things that I've discussed with friends or even thought.

A. - For those of you (myself included) who haven't had a chance to see Obama's speech the other day.

B. Is it really true that the original design for the Statue of Liberty was a black woman? It blew my mind. Here's a link to some reading material on that.

2:33pm - In 18 years this world will be filled with pansies... I love applejacks and this is the 1st time I've retrieved a toy out of the box. It was to be either a Barbie watch or a hotwheels watch... My luck dictated that it was Barbie. Darn! So upon searching for the toy I noticed it was NOT in the cereal but on the outside between the plastic and cardboard! Are you serious? I used to dig my dirty little hands through the cereal and I turned out just fine... What is this world coming to?

I would love to change the world, but they won't give me the source code.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

I miss nap time...

New format today. As I continue my effort to iron out my blog, I decided that I'd embrace the totally random nature of myself and share my thoughts that I have through out the day. Enjoy.

9:25 AM
- I don't know about you but I severely squandered away my nap time years. When I think back to nap time in preskool, I would always break my neck to get the cot behind the book shelf. It would shield me from the prying eyes of teachers and other "blockers", LOL. And when I wasn't making fart sounds and jokes, I would read. I mean really, who the heck reads during nap time? This idiot does...

I would love to change the world, but they won't give me the source code.

1:00 PM - Am I the only person that didn't know that Hilary Clinton was in the death of Superman comic strip? She and Bill were at the funeral. LOL

While riding into work today I was listening loosely to the debate that everyone should be able to carry guns around old west style... I'll be perfectly honest with you, I'm not sure that I want everyone around me to be strapped. On plenty of occasions I've gone to the range with my dad and fired a ride variety of weapons. 9mm, .22, .44, to name a few off the top of my head... I guess what I'm trying to say is that it's not easy. It is not easy to hit your mark when it's just you, the gun and a sheet of paper. A real gun isn't the same light gun you have on your Nintendo when shooting ducks. A real gun kicks which alter your aim, distance and velocity play big roles.
I remeber that when I was younger and I fired a .44 or .45 at the range. It was my dads revolver and I had to aim at the crotch of the silhouette to strike the chest... LOL I was young and weak but I know darn well that I don't want someone of the same strength (or lack thereof) aiming at the back of my head in an auditorium so that he can shoot the threat above us. LOL

Clearly, there's an argument for both sides but this is just what ran through my head on the way to work.

BTW, I think Cheesta Cheetah is a sexual predator. Creepy character.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Black Maybe...

I guess by now....well maybe not but be forewarned that my blog titles may or may not have anything to do with the content of the blog. I listen to a lot of music, anything from classical to rock, r&b, jazz, gospel or rap... I'll hear a sick line or quote and it'll stick to the bottom of my shoe.

Just bear with me as I continue to blog and over time learn what content I want to share. During this process I'll keep consistent with posting regardless of what it's about to so that it'll become habit.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Nothing is new under the sun, it's never what you do but how its done...

Hi..., my name is Chris and I'm a Taurus. I enjoy strolls on the boardwalk, frolicking in the sand and lovemaking under the moon with waves crashing down upon me...errrr, I mean us...

Truth be told, Ocean water is usually too cold for me and the beaches where I live are littered with broken glass. There was just a report on CNN that 1/4 young women have an STD and 1 out of 2 young black chicks have a STD... So let's just nix that 1st paragraph altogether.

I guess I couldn't even begin to tell you what my blog will focus on... I'm sure it'll be different aspects of my life but never entirely about me for the most part. Hopefully it'll be enjoyable. Even though I littered this initial blog with phony information, there are some true statements if you really read.