Thursday, June 26, 2008

"so I can make it juicy for ya..." huh?

Now... There's been a lot of speculation about whether or not this cat is gay. One would assume that the picture to the right would be evidence enough.

But before I continue let me quote Jerry Seinfeld...
It was on purpose! We're not gay! Not that there's anything wrong with that...
Dude, to each his own, I'm trying to get myself right. LOL

But back to the topic at hand. This cat is rappin about lollipops, and making it juicy for ya. I'm no Wayne fan, I have nothing against him but I can't fathom any way possible that making it juicy for anyone can be deemed masculine. One would think that this line would be coming from Lil Kim, not Lil Wayne.

Now, I aint saying that he is or that it's wrong but that...I wouldn't be shocked.

I would love to change the world, but they won't give me the source code.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Oh $h*T! (pun intended)

There has to be a point in time where you just let things go. At some point after your boyfriend has banged you in your eye for the 15th time, you have to realize that maybe you need to let him go. Or when your g/f has screwed another one of your homeboys, maybe you need to cut that loose. Dropping that french fry inbetween the center console and your seat...after about 10 seconds of hunting for it, just let it go.

There has to be a point in which your personal device hits certain public areas that you just have to let it go. If your cell phone has slipped from between your greasy cheek and that silk shirt that you have on and fallen onto the bathroom floor of that Mc Donalds that you can't seem to stop visiting... Stop and reflect at how many people have peed on that floor and then reflect on how much that phone cost and make a judgment call. Who knows...maybe it won't bother you at all because you don't wash your hands anyway and pee is just water, right...right??

There's a bit of a difference between in the areas surrounding the public bathroom stall, lets list them in order from least worst to the worst.

1. The floor, in front of the toilet.
2. The floor, at the base of the toilet.
3. The floor and to the sides of the toilet.
4. The floor and behind the toilet. (This is dangerous because you're getting mighty close to touching that stained porcelain...)
5. Bouncing off the seat into areas #1-#4.
6. The area where the hinge of the toilet seat is...where they don't clean at all...
7. In the toilet...

If your phone is -$100 you need to go no higher than #2 if your phone has fallen.
If your phone is $100+ then maybe you can scoot up to #3.
If your phone is $200+ and relatively new, then #5 is your limit.
If your 14, your phone is $300+ and your parents just got it for you, you better fish that mofo out. LOL

Dag...I haven't even touched on the letter yet. Does anyone listen to Steve Harvey in the morning and how he dissects letters? Let's dissect this letter...

- Obviously this lady was talking on her cell phone while using the toilet.
- Cell phones will float but yet hers is lodged into the toilet which means that she flushed the toilet in hopes that when the water disappeared she could quickly reach in and grab the phone with minimal splash damage from the poop water. She failed at this... In her desperate attempt to retrieve the unit, the water was too strong and sucked the water back in.
- This lady has issues with closure. She needs to know when something is over, regardless of all the glaringly HUGE evidence that this situation is at its end.

But, she is awesome for putting her note into a protective sleeve.

I would love to change the world, but they won't give me the source code.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

What's going on in this picture? Well, apparently someone was shipping a whale and the thing kinda just fell apart...

That must have been an interesting sequence of events. Even before the whale split, it has to be pretty weird to be driving around with a multi-ton dead animal strapped to your rig...and then to have said animal complete unravel in the middle of a public intersection must provide one with a typical "WTH just happened?" type moment. Please excuse the language (lets just say H = heck LOL) but...such mammoth incident had to have provided an equally explosive response.

I would love to change the world, but they won't give me the source code.

Monday, June 23, 2008

This is how beat the system. You come outside and you have a boot on your car? What do you do?

1. If the lugnuts are exposed, simply remove the tire and put the spare on.
2. If the claws that hold the boot to the wheel are locking onto the tire and not the rim, simply deflate the tire and pull it off.

I would love to change the world, but they won't give me the source code.

Friday, June 20, 2008

When I saw this picture (please forgive me), I was instantly able to relate to the lobsters in the tank at Red Lobster. I now know why they huddle together in one corner in the tank at Giant food. These are the looks they get. It's that..."Imma tear you up!" type of look. That last phrase.... *shudders* Now that I sadly think about it, LOL... This look can be interpreted many ways but since I NOT know what she was doing at this time (I have the fear of God in me), I will not elaborate.

I would love to change the world, but they won't give me the source code.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

-Folks... If you're going to purchase "how to have sex for dummies"... I mean really, why didn't you walk that purchase to the car after you left the book store? Has this world completely run out of shame? Looking at this dude, he's a grown-A man dawg, well into his 30's. Oh, why do I even bother.

FEMA steals $85 million from Katrina victims
-Yeah, I purposefully said they stole it. Theres no way in the world you can honestly misplace $85 million worth of supplies. You do not miraculously rediscover these supplies after CNN puts your agency on blast in front of the Nation.

It's awesome how this gets hardly any mention.

Congratulations to Lord Tiger for winning one of the most epic battles in the history of Golf. I ton of respect/admiration goes out to Rocco for truly giving it his all.

I would love to change the world, but they won't give me the source code.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Old socks....

Is this juvenile? Sure it is. But for those of you who know me personally, when have I ever truly cared what others think?

I think that sometimes subliminal stuff like this is purposefully left into children's media. Maybe it's to entertain adults with a chuckle that would otherwise go completely over an innocent kids mind. Because clearly, this is just some "webbing" that Spidey man left laying around. I wonder where MJ is...

I would love to change the world, but they won't give me the source code.


I'll get back to the Cirque du Solei blog in a bit. I just wanted to share this screen cap from Fox News. It's amazing how they can put up bull like this. wonder nobody wants to participate in such atrocious system.

What about this "war on terror", the economy/recession, the highest unemployment in 20 years, gas prices? I guess those aren't the issues.

I would love to change the world, but they won't give me the source code.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

The iPhone is the worst phone to take pictures with one-handed. I see this guy from time to time when driving to work on the capital beltway. I could not begin to explain what could only be described as ornaments that adorn his vehicle. It's weird but I must say, I work around some off people and this does not shock me in the least. What is slightly worrying is that I believe there is more than one vehicle traveling 295 that looks like this.

KOOZA! This show is beyond awesome. I had the chance to experience this show, I'll blog
about it tomorrow. Here's a sneak preview.... *BOMB

I would love to change the world, but they won't give me the source code.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Look me in my face and tell me you didn't know... You know what you were doing, you knew what was up when they were assembling to take the picture. You knew when the picture was being taken. You had the audacity to be the one who demanded another picture be it'd make a difference...

I would love to change the world, but they won't give me the source code.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

6/4/08 8pm -- First and foremost I must profusely apologize..., syke it's not even that deep. What better time to update my blog then when I'm waiting on a virus-scan to complete.

What's even worse is that I still didn't sit and write a blog. I've been awfully tired and just worn out. As I type this my phone is ringing and I cringe at each

Random thought of the day: Many Hillary supporters are showing their "ignorance" on the news. One lady was heard saying that there's less difference between Hillary and McCain than between Obama and McCain. Wow..., just wow, good job America. All I heard during the primary was that Obama and Hillary were very similar. There is an entire gulf between Hillary and McCain in regards to their policies. But I guess that gulf is a thimble in contrast to the colors white and black... Let's all vote for Jurassic John!

Or... Maybe this isn't even an issue and CNN/FOX/MSNBC just need some more BS to get ratings. Either choice is pretty retarded if you ask.

I would love to change the world, but they won't give me the source code.