Friday, May 9, 2008

You're drawing my attention...LOL pun intended

that makes me want to barf up my small intestine. Look at this miraculous catastrophe of big crayons, near sightedness, astigmatism and a totally wacked our sense of "artistic" creativity. LOL, I can't believe I woke up to seeing this in my local starbucks one Saturday morning and I knew I had to take a picture of her as soon as she walked in.

Lemme tell you, this chick strolled into the shop like she knew she was the business. She was on her phone gabbing it up, not too loud but seemingly unaware that she was in a public place. Basically she was drawing me in to a mindstate of ignorance that I often engage in but at times try to ignore because it's going to get me intro trouble sooner or later. I had to take a picture of her and time was of the essence because my vinte caramel apple spice with extra whipped cream was due up any second! Plus the iPhone is sleek but slippery and near impossible to take one handed/obscure pictures with...soooo.....yeah, you can tell she knew I took a pic but she deserved to know. That drawing on her face belongs in museums and to be adored by the masses, if she didn't want anyone to see it, she shouldn't have left the house.

Yeah, so... I guess this is what bookstores think black people are interested in... Can't blame em cus this is all I see any of my friends reading anyway. Sex books... Nice. Way to expand our minds above the out of control pregnancy rates and astronomical STD rates her in Baltimore. *round of applause*

This last picture was just something I wanted to share and is one of many that can be found on NASA's website. Pretty awesome, amirite?

I would love to change the world, but they won't give me the source code.


Anonymous said...

Her eyebrows look like Tire marks and streaks. Maybe she works for the MAC counter....or was fired for lack of self worth.

Anonymous said...

LMAO @ you snapping shots of random people! But what's that thing on her head?

s0nnyb0y said...

Duck duck goose is the most awesome game ever, I was just telling someone today that I want to play it again. LOL