Thursday, May 29, 2008

a rant....


If you are an EU("end user" aka person who requests their pc to be fixed @ work), please DO NOT try to do stuff on your own. Please do not attempt to set up your email account. Our jobs are a tiny bit more complicated than simply clicking "next" through the setup process. NO it's not as simple us "starting over" with certain programs. In situations such as these you just made a 5 minute setup into a 45 minute call to the ApplicationX guru who happens to be the expert on this individual application to try to figure out how to undo whatever the heck it is you just attempted to do... So please, believe us when we say it can't be done at this moment and let us do it. Please.

I would love to change the world, but they won't give me the source code.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Beware of what you pray for?

Beware sounds kind of extreme/morbid's true. My uncle often mentions during his sermons that when you ask God for something he'll give it to you... Duh, we all know that right? Matthew 7:8/Matthew 21:22 There are more scriptures but you get the idea. Ask, you get it. All you need is faith, expectation, patience and in my case just enough obedience to slide through. LOL You should always try to strive to be more obedient since in His eyes that's greater than sacrifice. Anyway, back to the topic...

I've been through the ruffest two weeks I've experienced at my job or any job I've held. My coworker is out due to surgery and I've been asked to hold down the fort. This building requires 2-3 people to run smoothly and without a hitch. When major "fires" break out, one can tend to the emergency while the other can handle the day to day bullcrap that pops up. Well, there is only 1 person here and over 500 users to support. Tough gig right? But it's been a blessing. I've felt envigorated since the moment she left and it's great feeling to know that I can do this on my own. I can run this building alone if need be and I feel that I'm still growing as a tech. My comfortability in certain process will only grow and make it even easier than it is now. Now that is not to say that I don't need my coworker because she is awesome, but it's good to know that I'm valuable to my company and my customer?

So what did you pray for? I prayed for increase. I prayed for a substantial raise. So why beware? Why? That 1st paragraph is why. I knew when I prayed for that, I was going to be tested to see if I was worthy of it. My new boss doesn't know of all the awesome stuff I did last year or of my growth since I was 1st hired. I wondered how I was going to be show him that I deserve a raise. Well, a reason was provided, on top of all the other reasons I listed in my self assesment. The fork in the road was presented to me. If I wanted to be blessed I had the option to do what needed to be done and I'm doing it. Not only has this present me with a way to achieve what I need/want, it's made me a better employee and is a step to knocking out a habit of procrastination. That would be my 2nd habit of the year and would be an awesome consilation prize on top of a substantial raise. I'm proof that prayer does work and that God blesses you even when you don't deserve it.
I would love to change the world, but they won't give me the source code.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Whats the deal with the hate?

One thing I've grown to dislike about "corp america" is the whole rate race mindset but thats nothing new. I also really dislike the mentality of stepping on others to rise to the top but I guess that's unavoidable... The one thing that's really kinda irked me is how other black men act towards me in the work place. Is it that I'm half their age or is it because I'm black? Are they supposed to be the only blacks that work here? Someone fill me in.

They just come off really stiff and tight. They don't want to acknowledge you in the hall and one even tried to carry me(joke on me) once in the elevator. At the time I was so happy to have this fly job I didn't care what he saying... I dunno. It's mostly the 40-50 year old black men, the older dudes are typically pretty friendly and of course the guys closer to my age are kool and helpful.

Well, don't be threatened by me black man. Jealousy is a female trait.

I would love to change the world, but they won't give me the source code.

Friday, May 9, 2008

I can't be selfish...

My creativity comes in spurts so I try to horde ideas and dish them out evenly so my blog doesn't have any dry spells. LOLOL

Here you have it! Tell me that my homeboy Fonso doesn't resemble this cat!

I would love to change the world, but they won't give me the source code.

You're drawing my attention...LOL pun intended

that makes me want to barf up my small intestine. Look at this miraculous catastrophe of big crayons, near sightedness, astigmatism and a totally wacked our sense of "artistic" creativity. LOL, I can't believe I woke up to seeing this in my local starbucks one Saturday morning and I knew I had to take a picture of her as soon as she walked in.

Lemme tell you, this chick strolled into the shop like she knew she was the business. She was on her phone gabbing it up, not too loud but seemingly unaware that she was in a public place. Basically she was drawing me in to a mindstate of ignorance that I often engage in but at times try to ignore because it's going to get me intro trouble sooner or later. I had to take a picture of her and time was of the essence because my vinte caramel apple spice with extra whipped cream was due up any second! Plus the iPhone is sleek but slippery and near impossible to take one handed/obscure pictures with...soooo.....yeah, you can tell she knew I took a pic but she deserved to know. That drawing on her face belongs in museums and to be adored by the masses, if she didn't want anyone to see it, she shouldn't have left the house.

Yeah, so... I guess this is what bookstores think black people are interested in... Can't blame em cus this is all I see any of my friends reading anyway. Sex books... Nice. Way to expand our minds above the out of control pregnancy rates and astronomical STD rates her in Baltimore. *round of applause*

This last picture was just something I wanted to share and is one of many that can be found on NASA's website. Pretty awesome, amirite?

I would love to change the world, but they won't give me the source code.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Why must we walk in the street?

What is the problem? Really. People walk in the streets and have the audacity to get upset with you when you try to drive by. They look at you like you're supposed to be driving your car on the sidewalk. Now, I haven't been too many places but out of the places I've been, I don't see people walking in the street like they do in Baltimore. It's like a need to be seen or be noticed that is being filled by getting in the way of my vehicle.

I would love to change the world, but they won't give me the source code.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Just another reminder to all my female readers to check out my homegirls blog. It's full of ways to make some legit cheese on the side. She's one of the sweetest people I know, so take a peak at her blog and I'm sure she'll ask any questions you may have.

Click here

I would love to change the world, but they won't give me the source code.

A bit of tact would be nice...

My people... When you go out to a gathering, be it double dating, weddings, funerals or just random fellowship please do not attack your food. The photo evidence above was taken at a recent wedding, while we'll leave the suspect unnamed lets just say he's a thin six foot black male with long hair. LOL.

You cannot say that this man ate his food. You cannot state that he was famished. Those words do not accurately depict the destruction and ferocity in which this poor animal was dismantled. This man destroyed this animal. He vaporized any resemblance of what type of animal this could have been. If I had not received the same plate of food as he I could not report back to you that this was indeed an animal and not a small child. This man had a hunger that a snickers bar could not quench. It would take more than .5 a day to feed this man through a missionary Christian fund.

Please, my people... Do not come to a place of fellowship with this type of hunger. People like me notice and will write a blog about you.

I would love to change the world, but they won't give me the source code.