Sunday, March 8, 2009

My FB status that was kinda mean...

LOL like that narrowed it down, right? It's late so I won't post a picture of an example and please excuse any incoherence on my part but I have a slight issue... I tend to become irritated with people who are arrogant and have absolutely no reason to be. This goes for males and females and the type of person I'm referring to is the "MODEL". To get even more specific, the BALTIMORE "MODEL".

What is a BALTIMORE "MODEL"? That's a damn good question and I'm not quite sure how to answer it.

(10 minutes later)

The answer is, EVERYONE/ANYONRE... Your gym mate in 2nd grade, your homegirl who is 2 months pregnant but doesn't know it yet, if you have a 5'3 167 pound sister, she could be one too. It could also be your gay homeboy that walks better than 95% of the girls in the show. Everyone on FB applies too, lol.

Please don't get me wrong cus I ain't gon hate on someone else's gig or hobby. I just tend to get a bit miffed when people peer down their noses like they've made it. Like...this is NY or something, we are in BALTIMORE and you're half nekkid on a Morgan flyer.

I apologize because I feel that this is coming off kinda cluttered and that's cus it's 4am.

I would love to change the world, but they won't give me the source code.


Anonymous said...

Wow.... ha! Just wanted to say its so true!!! I do model and such but i wouldnt call myself a model... Anyway, Hey Chris!

Duck Duck Goose said...

LMAO @ this post. Aaaarrgh... those faux models are annoying. I want to say "Bish, you are not signed to an agency" at least three times a day.