Friday, July 31, 2009

Grown ass men acting like little girls around athletes...

What I don't understand is when grown ass men are clamoring, pushing and shoving for an autograph. I have a huge level of respect and admiration for upper echelon athletes but that mans John Hancock on a piece of cardboard is nothing to get all up in arms about.

Now, I won't fault a person for getting an autograph but it's the people who aren't on that front row that really irritate me. There have been times when I've been in the midst of the horde with a friend and it didn't bother me too much. People who know me, know that I'm real laid back, it takes a lot to move me. But there was this one time...

I took my girlfriend to a game with me and my homeboy was there. We were all going to catch the metro back to our cars but he had to stop for autographs. He always gets there early and we were right up front. Eventually the crowd grows and it's packed. Once the players start to roll around, that's when the pushing and shoving began and as they draw near, you have people hitting you in your face with their arms and BS that they need to get signed. It was when this man behind me started to really become ignorant and knowingly mashing my girl in her head that I had to turn around and show the ignorant side of my personality. A grown ass man seeking after another mans signature would have the audacity to push and cram his way past a woman...?!?! No, sir. People have no decency and I had to lean on him right there on the spot. Needless to say he was shocked and caught off guard.

Just a random story... It still irritates me to this day.

I would love to change the world, but they won't give me the source code.