Saturday, August 8, 2009

"ninjas in the street"

What is it with Ninjas in Baltimore and sidewalks? It's like sidewalks are made from pure kryptonite. But fine, i can't say too much cus I've walked in the street before but this is where I draw the line...

How can people walk in the street which is made for cars and then have the audacity to catch an attitude when you want to get by. If I could just for a day have the ability to run people over without harming them but still be able to scare the hell out of them.

While we are taking about Ninjas not knowing how to conduct themselves in the street, let's touch on double parking. Now, there is a need for double parking (DP), especially on these tiny one way streets in Baltimore. That being said...dammit why must you DP beside an OPEN spot! Why!? Explain this to
Le. U don't have to pull all the way in either, at least get half the car in so that people can get by. Personally, I love to pull up on their bumper so they can't back into the spot frcing the idiot to circle back.

This is what i think about at 3am in the morning.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Grown ass men acting like little girls around athletes...

What I don't understand is when grown ass men are clamoring, pushing and shoving for an autograph. I have a huge level of respect and admiration for upper echelon athletes but that mans John Hancock on a piece of cardboard is nothing to get all up in arms about.

Now, I won't fault a person for getting an autograph but it's the people who aren't on that front row that really irritate me. There have been times when I've been in the midst of the horde with a friend and it didn't bother me too much. People who know me, know that I'm real laid back, it takes a lot to move me. But there was this one time...

I took my girlfriend to a game with me and my homeboy was there. We were all going to catch the metro back to our cars but he had to stop for autographs. He always gets there early and we were right up front. Eventually the crowd grows and it's packed. Once the players start to roll around, that's when the pushing and shoving began and as they draw near, you have people hitting you in your face with their arms and BS that they need to get signed. It was when this man behind me started to really become ignorant and knowingly mashing my girl in her head that I had to turn around and show the ignorant side of my personality. A grown ass man seeking after another mans signature would have the audacity to push and cram his way past a woman...?!?! No, sir. People have no decency and I had to lean on him right there on the spot. Needless to say he was shocked and caught off guard.

Just a random story... It still irritates me to this day.

I would love to change the world, but they won't give me the source code.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Get that negative food out of my fridge

- A few weeks back I was in the barbershop. Shout out to Innovation Hair Designs (sounds like a salon doesn't it?) and my barber and owner Miles Beanie Bellamy. So I'm sitting in the chair and we're talking about people kickin "knowledge" and being spirtual/deep. So Moe (barber) brings up a woman who used to date who not only would not drink Pepsi (unofficial beverage of black folk), she would not even allow it in her fridge. The reason being? She didn't want the "enery" or "vibes" from the Pepsi to I assume infect her food. My mind = blown. I'm afraid to know what kinda vibe old chinese carry-out gives out.

I would love to change the world, but they won't give me the source code.

Saturday, March 21, 2009


I saw a new app called iBlogger which I'm using to write this blog from my iPhone.

A lot of times I roll my eyes when peolple throw scripture at me. I can take some blame for not studying enough which prolly hurts my discernment. But I'll tell you what, sometimes people need a human answer. By human I mean a peer to peer evaluation and relation to the situation at hand that is still biblical grounded/founded but is still personable to you as a person.

If that makes any sense...

Mobile Blogging from here.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Is the sun not out?

Does the sun not shine in the winter? Wait, before I even get into that. Sunglasses are meant to... *smh Look here, don't tell me what the hell I can and cannot wear. The sun is out in the winter so why is it "wrong" to wear shades during that month? Or my eyes not dialating as we speak because the sun is reflecting off of the snow laying on the ground? Do UV rays cease to damage your retina in the winter? GTFOutta here with that nonsense. I will continue to wear shades in the winter and continue to not care what you think about it.

I would love to change the world, but they won't give me the source code.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

My FB status that was kinda mean...

LOL like that narrowed it down, right? It's late so I won't post a picture of an example and please excuse any incoherence on my part but I have a slight issue... I tend to become irritated with people who are arrogant and have absolutely no reason to be. This goes for males and females and the type of person I'm referring to is the "MODEL". To get even more specific, the BALTIMORE "MODEL".

What is a BALTIMORE "MODEL"? That's a damn good question and I'm not quite sure how to answer it.

(10 minutes later)

The answer is, EVERYONE/ANYONRE... Your gym mate in 2nd grade, your homegirl who is 2 months pregnant but doesn't know it yet, if you have a 5'3 167 pound sister, she could be one too. It could also be your gay homeboy that walks better than 95% of the girls in the show. Everyone on FB applies too, lol.

Please don't get me wrong cus I ain't gon hate on someone else's gig or hobby. I just tend to get a bit miffed when people peer down their noses like they've made it. Like...this is NY or something, we are in BALTIMORE and you're half nekkid on a Morgan flyer.

I apologize because I feel that this is coming off kinda cluttered and that's cus it's 4am.

I would love to change the world, but they won't give me the source code.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

MMMMMMMmmmmmmmmm B****! It'll get ya DRUNK!

Dang, it's almost been a year but let's try this again. Today's topic? Weddings and ABS. ABS may have to wait until tomorrow.

The cost of a wedding...

Dinner: 9,986
Alcohol: 2,016 (11,912)
Organist: 200
Flowers: 690
150 Favors: 180
17 Centerpieces: 155
4 Church Flowers: 138
Stamps: 95
Girls' gifts: 60
Girls' baskets: 25
Pew Bows: 16
Goblets: 11
Dress: 726.88
Veil: 75
Alternations: 82
Jewelry: 154.14
Hair/Makeup/Nails: 210
Misc: 96.71
Invitations: 225.97
Rings: 1,044.80
Gifts: 522.25
Hotel Rooms: 1299.08
Photo/Video/DJ: 4177.76
Limos/bus: 930
Cake: 625
Tips: 230
Vocalist: 150
Church Donation: 500

Look at that! I refuse to tally up that list of death and I meant it when I said death! What man has to pay to die because that's what most men do when they get married. LOL I'm currently observing the funeral of a good friend whom shall remain nameless.

Ok back on topic. $40k on a wedding is ridiculous. Sure, if you're a millionaire that's nothing to you but if you're making less than $100k a year, it's retarded. You're spending money on something that as a man you'll vaguely remember and 98% of your guests won't remember. The best part of the only wedding I attended this year was the open bar and things quickly escalated to astronomical awesomeness. There were adults standing on chairs thinking they were 23 again, it was lovely.

Anyway... I'm all over the place. Hopefully tomorrow we will be back to discuss. ABS. it ABWS? It should be ABWS but I think the documentary (not like History Channel, it was bootleg) that I watched on it said ABS.

I would love to change the world, but they won't give me the source code.